SSO multi-zone assignment through Box Drive log in
We have an enterprise initiative to start leveraging Box drive through our file share migration to Box. The usage is expected to be high within our enterprise since we are working towards enabling Box as an enterprise level application. Since we are a global company, we have requirements regarding data residency and data location within Box. While Zones provide that functionality, through our testing we found the Zone assignment doesn't change when the login is initiated from Box Drive, it only changes when you log through Web UI.
Although the workaround is pretty obvious and have people log in through the web UI once the location will be set but when we scale that into a large subset of users, the management overhead to make sure everyone is assigned correctly Zone, will be considerably high.
A simple way to accomplish this is to add the functionality of allowing Multi-Zones assignments to be driven from Box Drive log in as well as through the Web UI log in.
appreciate any input on that.