I would like to add attachments (with shared links) in Outlook on the Web and make the attachment location at the top of the email body.
When you add an attachment (with a shared link) in Outlook on the Web, it is attached at the bottom of the thread if the text field is expanded.
However, it is difficult to see the attachment at the bottom of the thread, so please change the setting so that the attachment is added to the top of the email every time. (or add a feature).
With the current specification, attachments are displayed at the bottom of the message, especially when the body of the message is long, so the recipient may not notice the attachment.
Outlook on the Webにて添付ファイル(共有リンク付き)を追加する際、テキストフィールドを展開している場合はスレッドの最下部に添付されます。