Add option to cancel workflow
Currently there is only delete option to stop the workflow.
Workflows are stalled or stacked as in progress sometimes. We want to assign similar task manually or re-assign the same task to complete the workflow in time.
But it will cause duplicated tasks assigned unexpectedly or file operation (move or copy etc.) is executed twice. This is very confusing.
So we want to cancel the existing workflow before manual workaround.

Anonymous commented
We are using a workflow for a plan document, and sometimes a plan is cancelled in the middle of the workflow.
The workflow itself cannot be deleted because it is used in other plans, but we would like to terminate the workflow that has been canceled because it would be confusing to leave it in the middle of a workflow.
We know that it is not possible to stop events that move automatically, but for workflow events such as approval tasks that are actually performed by the person in charge, we would like to set a deadline for approval and terminate the workflow if no action is taken within the deadline, or we would like to see the addition of a "Cancel" button in addition to the existing "Approve" and "Reject" buttons, and for the "Cancel" button to be selectable by both the requester and the approver, or some other function to cancel the workflow midway through the process.<ワークフローをキャンセルする機能の追加依頼>