Add the optional message text on Shared Link Email to the event in the API
When a user clicks the email button the Share Link screen they have the ability to enter an optional message to the person they are sending the link too. This optional message is not captured anywhere in the Box system or event stream. The only way to capture a record of this optional message is with the Compliance Email Archive. Customer would like for this optional message be captured in the event stream so 3rd party compliance software can capture that information. This is an issue in regulated industries like Wealth Management in Financial Services that require logging ALL potential messages that may go to a customer.

Colin Dolabaille (Royal Bank of Canada) commented
The absence of these messages from the API results in time consuming and complicated work arounds in order to satisfy message capture requirements. The fact that the Compliance Email Archive, and the traditional API event stream, do not capture all of the same messages means that we must use both approaches in order to insure that we are capturing all messaging occurring on the Box platform.