Ability to manage pop-up messages
Integrate a switch to turn off pop-up notifications (those which pop up for every single step or process).
Maybe have different levels of notifications, like for debugging ("none" to "confirm every step")
There are way too many pop-ups in Box worsening the "user-experience".
See what can happen, if you have daily several hundreds or thousands of clicks too much to do for unnecessary things like clicking away pop-up windows which notify you about things you already know you have done (like another user put it so aptly into Box community):
Let everyone choose individual Box-feedback levels for themselves and don't force all the messages somebody at Box thinks are necessary on your customers. Some customers might need or even like it, but many probably don't. You will hear a big sigh of relief from Box user community after that and make the world a better place (ok, I'm exaggerating somewhat there).

Anonymous commented
Talk about ergonomic use of Box. It is interfering with work-flow to have to click away all those pop-up infos or to wait until they disappear to see what button or text has been covered up by the pop-up message. If one is supposed to use Box like one did previously e.g. Windows Explorer, then Box needs to work on its ergonomy. It is largely sufficient to have the good old progress bar which is already displayed. When I am uploading 200 or more files (on a regular basis), Box is going nuts with displayed notification windows. Are your developpers not using Box yourselves and notice this kind of info overkill?
Like adding now "This feature is requested by Anonymous" over my text, just in case.