Allow Box Relay functionality when access policies are applied in Box shield
There is an issue where Box Relay functionality is restricted when applying access policies in Box shield.
This is not the behavior that Box users expect and is very inconvenient, so please improve it.
[Cases in which restrictions occur]
・Access Policy > Security Controls > Downloading and Printing Restrictions > Insert settings for internal use.
※[For Box web apps]・[For Mobile]・[For Box desktops] Enter one of these settings.
・Errors occur when Box Relay is run from an environment that differs from the access policy behavior.。
・Set only mobile access policy for internal use.
・Triggering the Box Relay:upload、Result:Set up a copy
・Uploading from a web browser to a folder with the above settings results in an error.
(In Japanese)
Box shieldでアクセスポリシーを適用するとBox Relayの機能が制限される問題があります。
・アクセスポリシー > セキュリティコントロール > ダウンロードと印刷の制限 > 社内向けの設定を入れる
・アクセスポリシーの動作と異なる環境からBox Relayが動作するとエラーとなる。
・Box Relayでトリガー:アップロード、結果:コピーを設定