Enable Box as the default. Block content from saving in Google Drive when using Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
Enable option to save content in Box as the default and block content from saving in Google Drive when using Google Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
Screenshot of vision for Gmail: https://cloud.box.com/s/whan9whu6f0uqjy1s8ap128cbr32cp0o
Screenshot of vision for Workspace profile menu: https://cloud.box.com/s/ggbnct8u4ijx9xzm63ish4lzyh78wodu
Screenshot of problem in Gmail:
Screenshot of problem in Google Calendar:
See example here (documentation of execution today via Teams integration): https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/4416337724051
See example here (documentation of execution today via Slack integration): https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220203005175/en/Box-Announces-General-Availability-of-Integration-with-Slack-to-Securely-Power-Work-from-Anywhere
This gets us a step closer to the vision of Box as the single place for all content.
Today, even though I have Box, employees can still save into Google Drive, which creates security, governance, privacy, and other risks.