More Granular options for Box Sign Reminders
Right now the reminders for Box sign are pre-set to:
"day 3, 8, 13 and 18"
We would like to be able to set when we would like reminders to be sent rather than be limited to those options.

Anonymous commented
Please add options for daily reminders, especially ones that are M-F!
Krystalyn commented
This would be extremely helpful.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please add a 1 day (24 hour) option. 3 days is too long a timeframe.
Anonymous commented
Our users (large university) are transitioning from Adobe sign and need daily reminders DAILY not every three days with box sign.
Anonymous commented
We need them to make Box Signature do daily reminders instead of the 'every 3 days' in their email notifications settings.
Anonymous commented
Please make the reminders everyday instead of every three days!
Anonymous commented
Agreed on this. 3 days is a really long time to wait and causes the user to have to manually remind recipients. Please make it so one can set DAILY reminders.