Date and Time of uploading file on BOX
Hi! I was faced with the problem of file date uploading on display on BOX.
I know that usually, BOX shows "Today" or "Yesterday" if the file was uploaded to BOX today or yesterday. It's clear, but, I need to see the exact date displayed with numbers. For example, I want to see that the file was uploaded to BOX "18 of May, 2022" instead of "Today".
Moreover, I even can't see the time when the file was uploaded to BOX. I work with the client in different time zones (the difference is 10 hrs) and sometimes it is really important to know the time uploading of the file, but unfortunately currently it is really confusing on BOX.
So I have two questions:
1. Is there any way to customize the date format (how always see the date instead of "today"/"yesterday"?
2. How to see the exact time of uploading? (it is even preferable to see the timezone name to be sure when it was uploaded or at least have tools to be sure with this)
Thank you.