"Automatically remove invited collaborators" - override/shorten
I have enabled "Automatically remove invited collaborators" specifically for External Collaborators, under Enterprise settings > Content & Sharing.
There are use cases (per folder) where the content owners/co-owners would like the ability to /override/ & shorten the expiration for an External Collaborator. This could be due to a contract or any other reason.
The only method to do this now, is to delete the entire folder and all content.
Example Use Case:
Enterprise settings:
- Content & Sharing > Invited collaborators expiration settings
-- Automatically remove invited collaborators
-- Remove after [ 90 ] days
-- Apply these settings to [ External Collaborators ]
Folder "Project Yellowstone" co-owner would like all external collaborators to be removed after [ 30 ] days of being invited as a collaborator, or all external collaborators removed on SetDate regardless of when they were invited.