Box Notes API / Integration with icalendar standard
I'm one of the devs of DAVx⁵, the leading open source sync solution on Android. We're using open standards like WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV. People can access their files and sync calendars, contacts, tasks, notes and journals to their Android device.
We already can provide access to files via WebDAV for users which is great. They can access their files from on Android seamlessly.
But DAVx5 can also synchronize Tasks, Notes and Journals using CalDAV and the VJOURNAL and VTODO standards (jtx Board on Android is one app that is using VJOURNAL and VTODO for example).
It would be really cool if users could make their notes and tasks, workflows on and sync/edit them to their Android with DAVx5 and jtx Board (both open source). Please consider implementing a CalDAV layer and mapping for box Notes to the icalendar standard (which includes VTODO and VJOURNAL).
The standards are found here:
RFC4791 (CalDAV)
RFC5545 (icalendar standard)
I really hope that this can be done since it makes it possible that more people can use and access