Display email suggestions when adding a recipient into the placeholder while using templates
In Box Sign, suggestions will appear upon entering an email address in "Add Recipients".
However, if you type an email address directly into the placeholder(for example, Recipient 1 - placeholder) when using a template, no suggestions appear.
Please display the suggestions when entering an email address for the template's placeholder.

Anonymous commented
We have to enter all email address even though we use Box Sign templates.
It takes time and inefficient, so we demand improvement immediately. -
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Using tag when sender want to specify the recipient(placeholder), they need to input complete email address. I would like the ability to suggest recipients even when using tags.
Anonymous commented
Box Sign Templates uses signature place holder, but when the template is used and you want to populate the signature place holder e-mail field, it does not auto populate the field like it does in "Add a recipient" field.