Be able to default a sort method
Currently you can change the sort method from alphabetical to updated date or size, but there's no way to change the default order from updated. Most of my files I prefer alphabetical so it's inconvenient to have to click it every time

Anonymous commented
Not being able to make the default sort (for all users) alphabetical/numerical very nearly precludes Box from being used as a deal data room. In a deal data room (and surely lots of other use cases) the admin wants users to move through the folders in a specific order.
Anonymous commented
I would like all folders and files to be sorted alphabetically by default for me and all members of my folders. However, every time I set an alphabetical order, it resets to the order of last modification. How can I force the configuration to remain alphabetical?
Anonymous commented
This x 10,000! Please add this feature!
Anonymous commented
I absolutely think this would be a great idea, the main bug bear I have with box is that I name all of my documents starting YY-MM-DD - Document Name.
This is so that all documents are stored in order of the date they were created so when I go to look for something years old and have no idea what it was called I can find it with ease.
But box sorts on file name ascending so when I load it I get the oldest files first and have to switch it to descending to view the latest files. If I could save that preference it would be great.