Selective Bulk Trash Restoration
Enable the ability to further filter trash folders by folder path and date deleted and perform a bulk operation to restore affected files. Alternatively allow a view to see a full list of all deleted items, rather than the smaller pages.
The current bulk method is to restore all deleted items in trash. In organizations where the trash retention is set to never auto-delete, trashed files are maintained indefinitely which can create a very large trash folder for users. We do not want to restore files and folders for all time, just a select period.
Files below a specific folder structure Main>Tier>* (folder or file) were deleted by a user inadvertently. There were 70+ pages of files in that user's trash folder out of 164 that needed to be fully restored. The only method to do so was to highlight each page and restore page by page. Instead, filtering by the relevant criteria including deleting user, date, and folder structure affected, then bulk restoring all files identified would save significant time.

Anonymous commented
Enterprise Admins should have greater visibility into deleted items and more control over the restoration of those items.
Visibility should include where the file or folder was deleted from as well as when and by whom it was deleted.
Some of this is available via reports, which can take considerable time to produce, however it would be much easier to have direct control over these items in a single tool.
Box support has some increased access in that they can at least see from where files/folders in the trash came from but they also can't see when or by whom they were deleted.
All of this causes restorations to very time consuming on both the end user and Box support as they often need to be involved in these restoration efforts. -
Anonymous commented
It would also be good to see the files within the deleted folder as well to ensure its the correct folder that you are going to restore. Ability to restore to a new location as well please.
Sierra Noe commented
If a folder is in the trash, you can only restore or permanently purge the entire folder. We would like the ability to select specific files within the deleted folder to either be recovered or permanently purged without having to restore/delete the entire thing.