Dedicated File Shortcuts without using Bookmarks
Currently if I want to create a link from one folder to a file or folder stored elsewhere in the system, the recommendation is to use Bookmarks. This method has several disadvantages.
• First, it requires creating the link on the target file or folder, meaning you need to navigate away from the folder where the bookmark needs to exist.
• Second, shared links can be removed, disabled, or expired, which would break the bookmark.
• Third, bookmarks do not work in Box Drive.
I would suggest a dedicated mechanism within the Box system for creating and maintaining shortcuts, which is independent of the Bookmark system. Such a system would avoid the disadvantages above and provide some extra benefit. For example, if a file is the target of such a shortcut, that relationship could be viewable through an option in the file’s “More Options” menu allowing file owners to see and manage those shortcuts. Additional auditing would also be possible, with information showing who accessed the file from the shortcut.
The implementation I envision includes a new option in the “New +” menu of the web interface. Selecting this option would open a search dialog where a user could search through their box content directly.
Upon selecting a file, the user would then be prompted to select “Shortcut Permissions” that determine how other users can interact with the target file.
If the shortcut creator has Editor permissions on the target, they would be able to select from the following:
• None – users who do not already have permission to view the target are unable to use the shortcut
• Preview Only – users who do not already have permission to view the target are able to open the target in the web-viewer, but not download the file
• View and Download – users who do not already have permission to view the target file are able to preview the target file or download a copy of the target file.
o This is like creating a “can view and download” shared link and embedding it in a bookmark.
• Edit – users who do not already have permission to view the target file are able to view, download, and Edit the target file
o This is like creating a public “Can edit” shared link and embedding it in a bookmark
If the shortcut creator has “Viewer” or “Viewer Uploader” permissions on the target, they would be able to select from the following:
• None – users who do not already have permission to view the target are unable to use the shortcut
• Preview Only – users who do not already have permission to view the target are able to open the target in the web-viewer, but not download the file
• View and Download – users who do not already have permission to view the target file are able to preview the target file or download a copy of the target file.
o This is like creating a “can view and download” shared link and embedding it in a bookmark.
If the shortcut creator has “Previewer” or “Previewer Uploader” permissions on the target, they would be able to select from the following:
• None – users who do not already have permission to view the target are unable to use the shortcut
• Preview Only – users who do not already have permission to view the target are able to open the target in the web-viewer, but not download the file
Similarly, other users’ interactions will be based on their permission in the folder containing the shortcut.
If a user is has editor permissions in the folder containing the shortcut a shortcut with “Edit” Shortcut permissions, then they will be able to edit the file.
If a user has Viewer permissions in the folder containing the shortcut, then they would only have “Viewer” permissions to the target file even if the shortcut creator gave the shortcut “Edit” permissions.
Finally, if the user already has some level of permission to the target file, and it exceeds the permission of the Shortcut, then that permission level would apply.