2FA - Option to select SMS or Email as opposed to both
Hi all,
We would like to have the option to select SMS as a 2FA method without having to have email as an option.
Back in April last year Box introduced the option to have email as a 2FA Method. Unfortunately we can’t have Authenticator app and SMS but no email as a setting. Either it’s Authenticator app only or we have to enable emails too.
On productions we go for the Authenticator app as that’s the most secure option, but one of our subsidiaries would like to give the option for SMS too.
Enabling emails is a major security risk. If an email account gets compromised and the user set their email as their 2FA method than the attacker can get access to the Box content too.

Anonymous commented
The account should be able to support the individuals choice of either SMS or e-mail so that individuals who use an account via the accessible-site and individuals who use the same account via the less-accessible site, both work.