Automatically apply metadata and tags to folders and files with pulse
Box provides users and organizations the ability to apply tags and metadata; however, trusting all users in an organization to know when and how to apply tags and metadata is not plausible.
Box admins should be able to use Box Relay so that whenever a file or a folder is created/uploaded to a certain section of Box in our organization, then a tag or meta data flag is applied.
I have a folder called 2021 Tax Documents
Tag I want Applied: 2021 Tax Documents
Example File Name: File A
In the example above, as soon as the example file (FIle A) is uploaded to the 2021 Tax Document Folder, I want to be able to set-up a rule that automatically applies the 2021 Tax Document tag.
This way, I can search for all files with a 2021 Tax Document tag and File A will populate despite not having any of the key words in the file name.