User Classification
Our organization uses Box to manage our controlled documentation. To access this information people, need to meet certain criteria to access certain types of documents. Box is great for classifying documents, but we are looking for a way to classify users to make it easy to know if we are able to share a specific document with a specific user. We would like to be able to add a property, tag, or some other identifier to a user's profile that would allow us to classify a user as a specific type. We would then like this classification to become a visual part of that user's profile, so at a quick glance we can quickly determine the classification of the user when changing permissions or most importantly when sharing. Can we create this user classification field and then have that create a visual indicator (tag, color, image, etc.) each time that user appears in permissions, sharing people picker, etc. so we can quickly determine by a tag, color, or other indicator the classification of a user?
Today how we are working around this is by adding additional text to the "Profile Name" of a user "Your Name - (Classification) but would like to have a more formal method to classify users. As a second option, we have tried to use user profile pictures to portray a user's classification by color but unfortunately the profile pictures do not carry into the "people picker" when setting up a sharing request. Both of these are workarounds vs. having a specific user classification property on the user profile.
To summarize the ask is for the ability to tag/classify users and have that visually appear when choosing users to share with or when assigning/viewing file/folder permissions. Thank you.