I would like to see functionality added to the terminate_sessions API to delete cache information.
When an administrator deletes BoxDrive session information, the cache remains.
Even if an administrator deletes BoxDrive session information using the terminatesessions API, the cache will remain on the user side because this API is different from normal logoff.
In this situation, even if the user loses the authority to handle the data, the data remains at hand, which may cause a security incident by a malicious user.
Therefore, we would like to add a function to delete cache information when the terminatesessions API is executed.
In the above difficult case (because deleting the client's cache seems difficult due to the nature of the API)
If the above is not possible (due to the nature of the API, it would be difficult to delete the client cache), please consider adding a function that allows the user to select whether or not to leave the cache in BoxDrive.
(In the case of deleting the cache, it would be like deleting the cache when closing a file opened from BoxDrive.)
terminate_sessions APIを用いて管理者がBoxDriveのセッション情報を削除しても、本APIは通常のログオフとは異なるため、ユーザ側にキャッシュが残ってしまいます。
そのため、terminate_sessions API実行時にキャッシュ情報の削除を機能追加いただけないでしょうか。

Anonymous commented
<Request for improvement>
About the problem that the cache remains when the administrator deletes BoxDrive session information.
Even if the administrator deletes the BoxDrive session information using the terminate_sessions API, the cache remains on the user side because this API is different from normal logoff.
In this situation, even if the user loses the authority to handle the data, the data remains at hand, and a malicious user may cause a security incident.
Therefore, could you add a function to delete cache information when executing the terminate_sessions API?
If the above is difficult (due to the nature of the API, it may be difficult to delete the client's cache)
Please also consider adding a function that allows you to select whether or not to leave the cache in BoxDrive.<改善要望>
terminate_sessions APIを用いて管理者がBoxDriveのセッション情報を削除しても、本APIは通常のログオフとは異なるため、ユーザ側にキャッシュが残ってしまいます。
そのため、terminate_sessions API実行時にキャッシュ情報の削除を機能追加いただけないでしょうか。
BoxDriveにキャッシュを残すか否か選択できる機能追加も併せてご検討いただきたく(キャッシュを削除する場合はBoxDriveから開いたファイルをClose時にキャッシュ削除するイメージです)(Edited by admin)