Specification for uploading Outlook attachments to Box in the Box app (Box: The Content Cloud: 5.13.0)
When saving Outlook email attachments via the Box app (Box: The Content Cloud: 5.13.0) on a smartphone, I would like to be able to register a folder other than "All files" on the destination selection screen.
It is time-consuming to select a folder by going down the hierarchy from the root (all files) each time when selecting a destination, Please make it possible to add any folder to the destination selection screen, such as favorites.
スマホにおいて、Outlookメールの添付ファイルをBoxアプリ(Box: The Content Cloud:5.13.0)経由で保存する際、保存先の選択画面にて「すべてのファイル」以外を登録できるようにしてほしい。