Render InDesign files previews with high quality
When Box creates a preview of Indesign .indd files, placed images are shown in low quality only. This prevents to run correction and approval processes with customers as some image formats aren't rendered at all (white images area), especially images with transparencies and vector images like .ai, .eps, but also .psd.
We are an ad agency and we depend on properly rendered previews.
Is there a way to render the previews in correct quality and resolution without beeing forced to create a PDF instead for approval?
i can see two options:
1) create the preview with InDesign server. In this case the renderer would need to run in the logged in user context in order to access the linked images in the Box file system
2) provide an add-in for Indesign which automatically creates a preview on the client computer during the file save process which would be used as a Box preview. This would also solve the issue if custom fonts are used which are not installed on the Box platform.