Ability to specify wildcard folder in folder path for folder event trigger
Here's the scenario. Box folder partitioning is recommended for scalability when the number of items (files or folders) within a parent (root) folder will exceed 15000. The Salesforce default integration creates a folder for each account under a 'Accounts ' Parent folder and typically number of customers will exceed 15000 for large organizations. With the Box Partitioning flow (available in the Managed package for SF), folder partitions can be based on using starting letter of the account (e.g. partition folder will be named AFolder). OR customized to have folders based on Year/Month of creation e.g. PartitionYYYYMM under the Accounts root folder.
We would then use the Folder creation event for each account folder under the Partitioned folder to trigger various outcomes including creating a folder structure under the account folder and assigning classification and collaborations for sub-folders (requirement for business functions to have different permission levels based on RBAC).
Currently, when specifying a folder path (In what folder will this event occur?), it accepts an absolute path (e.g. All Files > Customer Content > Accounts) but with the partitioned model, it would require the path to be All Files > Customer Content > * > Accounts
So the suggestion is to allow a wildcard as above in the folder path