Online-only applied recursively to mixed folder
It would be great if you could "online-only" a given folder when its contents within are a mix of partially online and offline.
My workflow often requires me to have individual files sporadically made available offline within folder structures, over weeks and months. Easy to lose track of what's locally stored and what's not.
I don't seem to have an option available to click on a given folder with partially offline / partially online files and just tell it to all become "online only" in a recursive manner.
On these types of partially synced folders, all I see is the "make available offline" option. It would be so great if I could select a partially synced folder and tell it to "online-only" all "offline" files within.
I see other posts here that describe logging out and clearing the entire Box folder structure to make everything "online-only", but I must maintain some folders as "offline".