Accurate File Count - Script Automation or Access
As I've discussed with the BOX support team, BOX web interface does not display an accurate count of files. We upload thousands of files per day and when the count of files displayed by BOX is not accurate, we assume there was a network glitch and attempt to re-upload the thousands of files which results in unnecessary network bandwidth and computational resources.
The BOX support team has access to a script they run to fix errors in the file count. Until the file count is accurately displayed in the web interface, it would be nice if BOX would automatically run this script or provide the script for Users to be able to run after they performed an upload. The automated execution of the script could be run as a last step of a folder upload or it could be scheduled to run 1 or 2 times per day as in a cron job. Ultimately the file count must be accurate for us to prevent unnecessary work to identify if all files were successfully received by BOX.
We also have API access to our BOX account, so as a last resort, giving us the ability to run the script once we finished uploading thousands of files would be an acceptable solution until the problem is fixed by BOX.