Box Sign: Provide more guidance to signers without fields assigned
Box Sign is not intuitive enough on how to sign. One client reports: "OK, finally got it. I wasn’t dragging the box onto the document." I had to tell them they had to click and drag the Signature button over to the signature line of the contract. Can you please make more clear instructions embedded into the sign request?

Anonymous commented
Signators are ofentimes confused on how to e-sign in Box Sign. I often have to take the time to explain to them how to click "approve and sign" and click and drag the signature icon onto the signature line. Please make this process more self-explanatory for non-Box users. It's not even a generational thing. Young users are confused at times too.
Real email chain from today:
Customer: "Hi,The electronic signature isn’t working and I can’t get the file to save in a workable format. Can you send it to me in a PDF and I’ll sign it the old fashioned way."
Me: "Hi Greg,
After clicking accept and continue, you need to click and drag the signature icon onto the signature line of the contract. Once you have signed, then our VP will sign, and then all parties receive a fully-signed copy. Please let me know if you still have problems."