Prefill company, email, name and date field in the document automatically when BOX a user that is connected signs a document
Some people, have a lot of documents to sign . It will greatly speed up the process if some fields are prefilled in the document to sign ,if the signer is connected to his BOX account when signing the document: name, date, company, email. That information is available in BOX
Today, they have to fill those fields manually. Only the signature and initials can be adopted. It is hindering adoption

Nonaka Tomoya commented
When a Box account holder signs, we would like the Title field to be automatically set from the [Your Title(optional)] field in Account Settings > Profile, or to be selectable. This will save time and effort in entering the information.
Boxのアカウントを所有している人が署名する場合、タイトル欄は アカウント設定 > プロフィール の[役職(省略可)]欄から自動設定される、或いは選択できることを希望します。それにより入力の手間が省けます。