Specify multiple users at the same time when specifying users in folder and file reports/フォルダとファイルのレポートでユーザーを指定する際に複数のユーザーを同時に指定できるようにしたい
After revoking a free account, you will need to delete or change the ownership of any items that are owned by individuals in accordance with the operation of your tenant.
At this time, we would like to be able to specify all users who have rolled up items in a tenant in a folder and file report, and identify items that are owned by individual users.
The current functionality allows you to specify only one name when outputting a report.
If there are many users who have performed tenant rollups, you can specify each user to search for items that they own, or you can output a folder and file report without specifying a user.
The output report size will be huge, and the amount of work required will be enormous.
To reduce work hours, please add a function that allows you to enter multiple email addresses into the user search box at once and recognize them as users, just as when outputting folder and file reports and collaborating.