Box Relay Task Approval Options
For the action Assign a Task - Approval Task, there's a section that asks "What happens when this outcome is completed?" If the task is approved, there's no option to select, it's just hard coded in to go to the next outcome. If the task is rejected, you can select options. I would like to be able to select options if the task is approved as well.
My use case:
I'm working on a formal approval process in Box using Relay. We need to have a legal review of our templates each year and I'm using a Relay to manually trigger on the template that needs review and then it sends an approval task to the legal person to review it and either approve/attest to it or reject it, saying it needs to be revised/not approved for use. I want to build one Relay for this process - if the task is approved, I want a notification sent to the workflow starter that it's approved and then end the flow. If it's rejected, I want to send a notification and then continue on with the flow to move the file that started the flow to a different folder (drafts) and then assign the workflow starter a general task to complete revisions and go through the approval process. I have to do this in two separate Relays, one for the approval/attestation and then another for making updates/changes/revisions. It would be nice to be able to have more selections for the approval task once completed for both approved and rejected. This also might not be a bad idea to add this on to other actions, like send a notification.