Creating accounts containing double-byte characters should not be allowed, which violates RFC5322
Creating accounts containing double-byte characters should not be allowed, which violates RFC5322
Currently, it is possible to create a new account containing double-byte characters in an email address, but it cannot be activated because it cannot receive mail. However, as a result, accounts containing double-byte characters exist like zombies.
In some external cloud services (Salesforce), this causes errors when retrieving the user list, but the root cause of this problem in the first place is that Box can create new accounts containing double-byte characters, which violates RFP5322 "3.4.1. Addr-Spec Specification," so I would like to see this specification changed.
一部の外部クラウドサービス (Salesforce)では、これに起因してユーザー一覧取得時にエラーが起きるのだが、そもそもこの問題の根本的な原因は、Boxが2バイト文字を含む新しいアカウントを作成できることであり、RFP5322の"3.4.1. Addr-Spec Specification"に違反しているため、この仕様を変更してほしいです。