Audit Log for Outbound Email Status
Feature request to allow an audit log for outbound emails sent from Box (
The problem: An external collaborator says they did not receive an email notification for an uploaded/edited file. The external collaborator has the proper Box email notification settings but did not receive an email from Box.
Currently, there is no way for us to know with certainty that the email left Box's email server OR if there was an issue trying to send to the external collaborator (e.g. collaborator email is blacklisted due to previous bounces).
We can't help clients with issues on receipt of an email, but currently we don't have a way of knowing with certainty our side (Box) didn't have any issues, either. We have to reach out to support.
An audit log allows for client/customer self-service.
A longer term solution could be for automated notifications sent to a Box admin for failed outbound emails.
Proposed solution: Add a basic audit log for admins to export the email batch history (Box seems to have a 1 or 5 minute queue for outbound emails).
Logically columns of the export would be:
Batch ID (e.g. 39028)
Email ID (e.g. 448737)
Recipient (e.g.
Email Result (e.g. Queued, Processing, Bounce Reason: Blacklist, Bounce Reason: Invalid email, Bounce Reason: DNS failure, Sent)
Email Sent Time (e.g. 2024-07-12-090753 UTC)