Reference a document (or load one) into a Box AI prompt within Hubs for comparison/analysis using Hub content.
Many of the examples cited in the initial press release for Box AI imply that it can be used for comparison and analysis of documents. While this can currently be done in a limited way in Box AI for documents, comparison is only against the general information contained in the underlying LLM.
Currently, you can paste a maxium of 1000 characters of text, minus the actual instructions in the prompt, for this type of analysis.
It is a critical feature to be able to compare/analyze a document against the private information contained in a Box Hub, not just the general training data of the LLM.
Doing this would require either: -Being able to reference an existing document in Box within the prompt for comparison to the Hub content, or -being able to load a document directly into the prompt for comparison/analysis against Hub content.
This is a critical capability required to deliver on many of the use cases originally presented in the press release.