Avoid accidental edits! Set local OS ReadOnly flag initially on ALL Box Drive files; When User Clears local RO, auto-Lock file for editing!
Currently a user can very easily ACCIDENTALLY change a file locally in Box Drive without locking. This can be completely avoided by this:
EVERY file in Box Drive should initially have local OS (e.g. Windows) "Read-only" attribute set. If and when the user explicitly Clears/Unsets the Windows Read-only attribute, e.g. in Windows Explorer (or chooses "Lock File For Editing in Box Drive" from context menu), Box Drive shall AUTOMATICALLY Lock it in Box, ideally only allowing local editing within Box Drive. There could be a pop up message like "File Locked for editing in Box Drive; be sure to Unlock (or set Read-only attribute) when done editing (or do so Now if Locking was unintentional)."
When done editing, of course they must either choose "Unlock File", or perhaps alternatively simply set the local Read-only attribute again which shall automatically Unlock the file in Box.