Increased file limit for Box AI for Hubs
Currently, Box AI for Hubs is limited to 10,000 files per hub and 1,000,000 files combined across all hubs in an tenant.
For use cases such as distributing hubs on a departmental basis, this number is low, so we would like the limit to be relaxed.
Box AI for Hubsのファイル数制限を緩和してほしい
現在Box AI for Hubsを利用するには、1つのHubで10,000ファイル、テナント内すべてのHubで合計1,000,000ファイルまでが上限となっています。
Naohide Ito commented
Even if it is difficult to relax the restrictions, We would like them to change the specifications that prevent immediate use when the limit is reached.
For example, We would like to be able to continue using it by controlling the search range to the most recent 10,000 files in the Hub.制限の緩和が難しい場合でも、制限値に達した際に即時利用ができなくなる仕様は変更して欲しいです。
例えば、検索範囲をHub内の最新10,000ファイルまでにするといった制御で継続して利用できるようにして欲しいです。 -
Anonymous commented
We would like to see the hub limit increased. We already have 26,000 photos. This means we are not able to utilize this even as an enterprise user. If this can't be reconciled we will be forced to start searching alternatives. This needs to be increased.