Direct transfer tool on macOS from connected NAS to Box online, bypassing the local drive cache
Our scenario is a NAS with 80TB worth of data on it. Mac-only environment.
I know about the standalone transfer tool available on Windows, but this is no option for our macOS environment.
Box Shuttle (cloud) is not an option to get this data onto Box, either as it can't connect to our NAS direclty (and it being in offline network segment).
Uploading in 1 go from the web portal fails miserably.
Drag'n'drop from NAS to connected Box Drive client fills up disk space beyond capacity.
Copying files from my NAS to Box Drive requires a tedious, manual process due to limited internal storage (1TB). I have to copy files in chunks, wait for each upload to complete (without any real overview or confirmation of progress), log out of Box Drive to clear the cache (no other reliable way implemented), log back in, and then repeat the process, carefully tracking my progress. This is extremely inefficient and quickly gets old.
A direct upload tool for macOS, bypassing local Box Drive cache, with full and uptodate status reporting would save my day.