Move "Log in" green banner when viewing shared link while not signed into Box
If you view a shared link while you're not signed into Box, you'll see a green banner at the top: "Log in to Box to securely share, edit, and collaborate on files in real-time with other people." The banner blocks the "Download" button on the right. While there is an X to close the banner, there are two issues:
1) Less tech-savvy people don't know to close the banner and can't figure out how to download
2) Others may think you need a Box account in order to access the content
It would be helpful to either move the banner or maybe add some clearer messaging around the fact that you can still access the content without signing in.
Anonymous commented
Close button doesn't even work for me, it instantly starts downloading, and hits the download button instead. Would really like to see this banner removed or changed if it needs to exist.