Enhance UX for Viewing Box Note when Not Signed In
Currently, when a user clicks an open shared link (a 'people with the link' link) for a Box Note, it opens in their browser as read-only (as it should). However, the confusing part for end users is if they in fact do have 'edit' access to the Box Note, it appears to them that they don't, but that's because there isn't an active browser session.
REQUEST: Add a 'log in' or 'Need to edit? Sign in here' - type button in the header to make the UX better.
Scenario 1: Example with Active Login Session for Box:
This scenario is great!
1. John is an Editor in Folder 1
2. File 'BN1' has an open shared link and is located in Folder 1
3. John clicks the shared link for BN1 in his email, which opens up the full Box Note UI in his browser where he can edit the Box Note
Scenario 2: Example when There Is NO Active Login Session for Box:
1. John is an Editor in Folder 1
2. File 'BN1' has an open shared link and is located in Folder 1
3. John clicks the shared link for BN1 in his email, which opens up the read-only Box Note UI
4. John tries to edit the file but sees that it's listed as read-only
5. John gets confused now because it looks like he doesn't have access to edit the file, but in fact he does, he just needs to open a new browser tab, manually log into Box, then refresh the Box Note tab and voila he can edit.
Thanks for highlighting. We could consider a login button on the Read-only page, a big catch would be that we wouldn’t know ahead of time if the person has edit access until they log in. So for people without access, logging in doesn’t help them.
I don’t think we’ll do this. Unfortunately, users will just have to know they need to sign in.