Provide option to do AND and OR search for multiple tags
Currently, multiple tags return items that include any of tags in the search

Anonymous commented
The tag search function does not work properly without boolean operators. One could just use the search box and add these words to the description and it would function exactly the same way. These functions should handle searching in different and meaningful ways. The search tags also should (in theory) serve customers that have larger databases and need to collate several files.
Anonymous commented
I would suggest also adding a "NOT" operator to this list. E.G. "People" NOT "Illustrated"
Anonymous commented
My organization tags files across multiple dimensions and may often need to search for files that contain both tags A and B. A multi-tag search with "A, B" today will return results with just tag A, just tag B, and tags A and B together. I propose a toggle to switch the tag search logic from OR to AND, allowing the user to efficiently find stuff with multiple tag criteria if they need i t.
Anonymous commented
Tags are fairly useless without being able to use boolean operators. Please add this feature to Box.
Anonymous commented
In my point of view having tags without the possibility to search them in an effective way make them near to useless.
Between default search with OR or AND I prefer to have the AND because it allows to better refine the search.
For sure I push for the possibility to have operators for tag search. In my previous experience with Alfresco i found the search tool much better the the one in Box.
For instance it was possible to combine search elements together, I mean simple text combined with tags like: my text AND "mytag"
This search means to search for "my text" in AND with the tag "mytag". -
Anonymous commented
This is a critical feature for using our knowledge base, which we have organized and tagged but are unable to filter efficiently without an "AND" search on tags. When we type two tags we're not interested in all the files in our library that contain either tag but we are interested in finding the files that match both. For example, files that contain a "quote" for "medical equipment". When we do this search we don't want to see all documents related to medical equipment. The search results are then too vast and we can't find what we're looking for, which are quotes in this case. Conversely, we don't want to see quotes for kitchen equipment. Based on the tags we have entered, that would make no sense. Please help us and others leverage our enterprise content with this feature or move "AND" results to the top.
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely useful for my company. Without it, the tags feature is extremely limited and fairly useless.