Folder Level Setting to Enable Office Online
It would be outstanding if Box could enable some intelligence around editing office documents, and/or have a switch you could set to only allow designated files to be editable via Office Online. That way no one could accidentally step on changes to a file that someone else made, or cause a conflict which has to be manually resolved. This would be a real big win. And when I say designated files, I mean in a folder not across Box for all of us certain file type.

Anonymous commented
My organization is massive (~33k employees). When I share something like a signup sheet through box people have to download the sheet, add their name, and then a new version of the sheet is uploaded when they save. This becomes a problem when people edit the sheet at the same time or one minute after another person has started editing. We end up with inconsistent versions of the file. When this happens people will sign up for something that someone else has already put their name on without ever knowing. It becomes a mess and a headache to clean up.
Ethan Conner commented
This feature needs to be implemented being that Microsoft is not allowing access to the Office Apps API.
I'm surprised that this feature doesn't have a large amount of votes, but I assume people just establish a work-around rather than going through the effort searching for a corresponding feature request.
Anonymous commented
I fully support this idea. We have workers spread globally and need to work on the same document. Currently they download a version to their workstation which in the end causes data corruption or versions not containing the correct saved information.
I like that we can enable or disable per folder if Box Edit/Office Online can be used. In my case to force use of Office Online so the file cannot be downloaded/edited locally. This way we can keep one up-to-date file online.