Auto-redirect to Box account after logging in once and typing in in the address bar
One of our users does not like the fact that Box auto re-directs to his Box account after logging in to his browser once, then opening up a new tab and typing in
- Login to Corporate account
- Open new tab/window and type and hit enter
- Page loads to corporate Box account and does not allow me to go to public website
It could be addressed by an intermediary page that offers both options, or it could be addressed by identifying that the user is logged in, still navigating to the path requested (e.g. and then adding a Tab (due to logged in state) of My Box (or some equivalent name) that when selected takes the user to their Box account.
The point is to provide functionality, not take it away because a specific group has other needs.

This is a rare use case where a logged in Box user wants to see the public website.
Given the relatively minor affected population, we will not introduce friction for our product to solve for this use case.