Make Box Drive Mark for Offline (MFO) file accessible when Box Drive not running
Would like for files in Box Drive that are marked for offline (MFO) to be accessible whether or not Box Drive is currently running (e.g. before Box Drive starts up at login). Currently, offline files are only available after the Box Drive software has loaded -- this poses a problem for files that need to be available at user login time like the user profile files (Desktop/Documents/etc.). Box Sync worked fine for this purpose, but Box Drive MFO does not.

Box Drive needs to be run in order to access any of the content or features of the product.
Barry Elk commented
Todd does not explicitily say - but I have a problem with this because I use my desktop as a working folder. Easy enough to map the desktop folder to Box Drive (at least on MAC) but the problem is when you first start up, Box Drive isn't running. MACOs cannot find the folder because the cached files aren't yet available and therefore your system folders "don't exist."
On Mac, this can be remedied by Relaunching finder after everything is up and running. Desktop & Documents will reappear after re-launching and with Drive running.