Backup user folders to Box Drive
To make the capture and backup of user content on our users' local systems easier, Box Drive should have an option to automatically select and sync the contents of user folders on both Macs and Windows computers (e.g., Desktop, Documents, etc.).

Anonymous commented
I agree with Stephen. OneDrive has this feature and it would be better for users as having two different cloud drive options confuses users. We rather not deal with OneDrive completely and standardize exclusively with Box. I'm frankly surprised Box has never even thought about adding this as there seems to be overwhelming support for such a feature.
StephenD _TX commented
This is needed because users and applications default to saved standard locations (Windows) My documents, Desktop, Pictures & Videos. OneDrive has the ability to make these folders auto-sync with OneDrive. If we are telling users to back their data up to box, this would make it seamless and improve the user experience with box.