Add length of field to API documentation
It would be nice to explicitly mention the length of some of the fields. In our enterprise account all the users had 10-digit UIDs, so I thought that was the standard length, but we had some users with preexisting lite accounts rolled in and a few of them had 8-digit or 9-digit UIDs. I see now that the example UID provided had 9 digits, so my bad there, but I initially just looked at the 'id' attribute under 'user object' to try and find the length and it would be nice I think to have something like 'id / string / The ID of the user object (length: 7-10 characters)' with the length range being replaced with whatever it actually is.

Thanks for the suggestion. We generally don’t provide lengths for fields unless there is a concious decision to define a specific length or range as a contract. Given that the type of field for user id is a string, the fact that user id values ranged from 8-10 digits is an implementation detail, not a guarantee.