Add "Do not notify" to "Share this folder" dialog box
When inviting users to collaborate in a folder, it would be helpful to add a check box to Not Notify the users.
Larger folders can cause a lot of noise as users are added to a folder.
There are times the collaborators may need to be removed, then re-added to a folder - this generates confusing emails.

Anonymous commented
Please add this!
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Add "do not notify" option when adding collaborators to a file or folder
Sometimes, I want to add a collaborator, but I don't want them to be notified via email. E.g. I want to send them a personalized invite to the file or folder they were invited too, rather than an automated email.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Add "do not notify" option when adding collaborators to a file or folder.
Sometimes, I want to add a collaborator, but I don't want them to be notified via email. E.g. I want to send them a personalized invite to the file or folder they were invited too, rather than an automated email.