Expose Metadata (EXIF, Codec, Duration, DPI, Resolution, Rating, etc.) with a "Properties" or "Get Info" like appraoch
Both Windows and macOS can easily expose more info - this includes the rich metadata in any kind of file.
It'd be nice to have an "All Properties" or "More Info" type of file that displays a files full metadata.
This data is already baked into the file and only needs to be exposed or indexed for display/searching.
EXIF (camera, model, photographer, exposure settings, etc.), IPTC (keywords, location, description), Movie FPS, Movie Duration, Movie Codec, Movie Audio Channel Count, Image Resolution, Image DPI, Office Document Author, etc.
User looking for specific video could find all clips longer than a duration.
Search for images from a photographer used on other projects.
Find all RAW images by a specific manufacturer.