Sync multiple accounts to Box Drive
Allow multiple accounts to sync with Box Drive.
Many of us have multiple corporate/personal accounts that require local drive sync'd access.

We’re not planning a ‘fast switch’ option to allow a user to easily switch between 2 different Box accounts on Box Drive while maintaining all cached data. The only option we have now is that users can ‘logout’ of their current account and sign into another account, but the caveat is that this will delete all their local cached data/MFO settings from Box Drive
Anonymous commented
I am contracted to both Warner Bros and to Sony Pictures. I am required to use their business email addresses. They both use Box and I would like to have both Box accounts accessible on my Mac Desktop. I am able to have both accounts running in Outlook but not in Box. Could you implement this feature in future please?
Anonymous commented
This causes real pain - we have members of our board who work for multiple organisations, many of which use Box. Trashing and re-building the cache every time they need to switch organisations seems crazy...
Please could you reconsider your position? This seems like a real limitation on adoption and usage. -
Anonymous commented
This would be really useful and important to me. I maintain multiple companies' Box accounts and want to seamlessly be able to log in and out of any company Box Drive without the cache delete happening.
Anonymous commented
My university has adopted Box, and an enterprise IT guru friend recommended Box for our startup company. However, I MUST use Box for school, but there’s obviously no way to set up a second account on the same computer for the startup. So this guarantees that our nascent company will be built around a competing technology, even if Box would otherwise be the best tool for job.
Gary Tomic commented
My employer uses Box and now that you have dis-allowed the installation of Box Sync and Box Drive I cannot use my personal account. This forces me to not use Box for my personal account and use Dropbox or Onedrive instead. That is unfortunate as I prefer to use one vendor's solution.
Anonymous commented
You should have one local cache directory per box account: Work box drive, Personal box drive, etc.
Anonymous commented
This. I use box for work so I can't use my personal box account on the same laptop. It's really crazy inconvenient.
Anonymous commented
My new job uses Box as their primary data store. I'm suitably impressed with it and would like to switch my personal Dropbox account to Box. However, without the ability to have both accounts logged in simultaneously with Box Drive, Box is not a suitable product for me.
With Dropbox I was able to have both my personal and business accounts synced at the same time.
Anonymous commented
I have multiple box accounts and this is important for me too.
It Turchek commented
We have 1 person using a computer under 1 Windows login.
The person is managing 2 different accounts.
In the past, have been able to load 1 in Box Drive and 1 in Box Sync.
Now, the person is seeing errors about both Box Drive and Box Sync not working together on the same computer.
Was hoping there would be a way to have 2 accounts loaded in either Box Drive or Box Sync. This would be in a similar fashion to someone having 2 separate e-mail mailboxes loaded in Microsoft Outlook.