View is broken after binning multiple items - needs to force a refresh?
I hit a bug:
I had 33 files in a folder. (There are 20 per page). I selected the first 20 (one page of files) and clicked Bin to move them to the bin.
The files went to the bin and once the process completed, the view showed "There are no items in this folder."
...but there are - there are still 13 files in the folder!
Hitting F5 to refresh didn't fix this.
Hitting "Next Page" took me to a "There are no items in this folder" page with no page navigation buttons. (I guessing this is because it moves me to a page 2, which now should now not exist, as the 13 remaining items are all on page 1).
Similar issues occur if I select just, say, 19 out of 20 on a page - I end up with a view of one file.
I noticed the URL ends with "?page=2" - I deleted this parameter from the URL and hit Enter. This reset the page view correctly and I could see my files again. But I shouldn't have to do that.