Eliminate "We’ve Sent You a Confirmation Email" page for provisioned accounts
We feel that showing "We’ve Sent You a Confirmation Email" page is not appropriate page for provisioned account's
that are manually created in Admin Console or that are auto provisioned from AD.
If Admin create new accounts with Silent mode, the confirmation email is not sent.
Therefor user needs to create password on "Reset password" page manually. This is OK.
After creating the password and try to login with the created password, "We’ve Sent You a Confirmation Email" page
is displayed. But confirmation email is not sent. The user needs to click "Resend Confirmation Email" to receive "Please complete your Box signup
". In the first place, if an "enterprise" account is created by an administrator or auto provisioned though Azure,
a confirmation email doesn't seem necessary. We understand the need for a confirmation email when it comes to an individual user signing up.
However, for "enterprise" accounts, this step should be removed or should show more meaningful guide page like "Welcome to Box!" or "Get started on Box"

mk commented
I understand that "We've Sent You a Confirmation Email" does not mean the email will be sent.
However, when end users see this screen, they mistakenly believe that they will receive a notification.
This screen should be changed to a clearer description.
For example, "To use Box, you need to make sure that you have received the email from Box. Click on this button and you will receive an email. Follow the instructions in the email to complete verification of your email address." The end user will easily understand the situation if it is stated as follows.「We’ve Sent You a Confirmation Email」と表示されてもメールが送信されるわけではないと理解しています。
例えば、「Boxを利用するにはBoxからのメールが正しく届いていることを確認する必要があります。このボタンをクリックすればメールが届きます。メールに記載の手順に従ってメールアドレスの確認を完了してください。」のように記載されていればエンドユーザーにも状況が伝わりやすいです。 -
Anonymous commented
Why is the email never sent? Can we fix this issue?