Universally apply multiple templates to a file
Universal metadata fields:
Today, metadata tagging is not universal. This customer sets the metadata tags for particular folders, and one of the universal tags is Community Name. They want to set up that metadata list on multiple file hierarchies; but they can't currently use the same metadata lists over and over again.
Not every employee can see entire file structure; it's not owned by one person; when you define metadata as a list in Box - you apply it at a folder level, but we have non-overlapping folders that need same metadata.
A metadata template can be applied, but within the template there are some parts that should be in every template created (e.g. Community Name). In order to do this now, they have to copy it and recreate it. They want to universally apply multiple templates to a file.
We add communities often so this process becomes cumbersome.
GOAL: provide a list of metadata they want to apply at any time and programmatically applying metadata at scale

Frédéric Carricaburu commented
I'd be a favor of this idea as I have more or less the same issue. We'd like to have a metadata structure with sublevels, thus allowing us to search for information once for all. In our case, we are one industrial Group with several BUs and activities. Template could be LEVEL 1 "BU", LEVELS 2 "HR", "SALES", "TECHNICAL", and then you'd have the keys. That way you could search for a document concerning both HR and MARKETING at the same time. Currently you can't.