Collections Page as My Homepage
So as designed, I think "My Collections page" is underutilized. Sure here is the only place you can edit/delete your collections and their titles...but this would be a wonderful place to drive users too as their homepage. Obviously, you all thought of that as well since it can be selected as "My Homepage" but right now I think a lot of folks won't want to because there isn't enough useful information on the basic page.
Please allow the user to better configure this page or at least have the collections unfurled/unnested. So that each time they go to this page and login, they see all the content they want to access without having to further click into more pages just to see what is in the collection. The fact they are auto-nested and can't be unnested without diving into the collection boggles my brain :)

Chris Black commented
Allow for the selecting a specific collection as homepage.