Setting tags for each folder
For example, I would like to see the setting inherited by a specific folder and its subfolders, similar to the "Override default settings for this folder and all subfolders" in the email notification in the folder settings.
In a tenant with many end users, tags can be disorganized.
For example, if you try to create a tag for December, some users may find that there are many ways to describe the month, and when they try to search for a tag, they may not be able to find the desired tag.
For this reason, many tenants restrict the creation of tags by end users.
(e.g.) 202012、12月、12月、December、Dec、十二月、etc.
However, if tags can be set for specific folders (e.g. personal folders), we believe that tags can be created by end users to facilitate the search, management, and operation of the desired folders.